Creating Strong Bonds
Between Veterans & Canines

Mentoring our American heroes through
the process of obtaining and training a service dog.

A Campaign for Companionship

Suicide is affecting our veterans’ community at such a high rate.  We know firsthand the difference that a service dog can make in a veteran’s life.  Through our mentorship program, we believe we can help veterans overcome symptoms of depression, regain independence, and have a lasting impact on their lives while reducing their chances of suicide.

1 in 3 Veterans have some symptoms of depression
1 in 5 Veterans have serious symptoms
1 in 8 Veterans have major depression

Our Mission

Founded by Navy Cross recipient Scott Montoya following his unsuccessful attempt at navigating existing “Canine battle buddy” focused charities, he passionately recruited fellow Navy Cross recipients, JD Lehew and RJ Mitchell, along with Joe Preis, Tom Brown, Joe Mauthe, and Tom Peck as trusted servants of our cause.

Making a difference in the
lives of Veterans and Canines

If you are a disabled veteran seeking companionship and support, our program may be the perfect fit for you.

Make a positive impact in the lives of our nation’s heroes. Learn more about how you can give and make a difference.

Helping Canines reach their full potential